Saturday, November 11, 2006

GSDI9 Conference attracted 470 participants from 60 countries!

A success for the host country Chlile, but a success also for Europe: President, Vice-President and Secretary are from Europe
At the GSDI Board meeting today, Professor Bas Kok of RAVI (The Netherlands) and Gabor Remetey-Fulopp of HUNAGI (Hungary) have been appointed as Vice-President and Secretary respectively. The executive secretary General is Professor Harlan Onsrud, the Treasurer is Abbas Rajibafard of the Melbourne University. The GSDI Secretariat will run by Alan R. Stevens hosted by the USGS. The major sponsors are ESRI, Intergraph, Northrop from the industry, and the US Federal Geographic Data Committee. The Hungarian member of the Board has been appointed to serve as liasion with CEOS WGISS again.
After Bonn-Koenigswinter (GSDI1) and Budapest (GSDI6), the GSDI11 Conference will come back to Europe third time.
The GSDI11 Conference will be hosted by RAVI, The Delft University for Technology, EUROGI and the European Commission in Amsterdam, in 2009.


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