Sunday, November 05, 2006

First Meeting of the GSDI Board of Directors in Santiago

The Meeting was hosted by the Military Geographic Institute. The notebooks were never beeing in greater safe during a lunchtime... Image: HUNAGI Visual Resources, 2006

The First GSDI Board Meeting in Santiago completed yesterday with nearly full attendance
Chaired by GSDI President Professor Harlan Onsrud of the University of Maine, the Board discussed important topics with a mid term perspective including the location of the next Conference which is under intensive preparation (At the first time in the Pacific). HUNAGI representative suggested a theme/subtheme for the Conference: SDI - societal and economic benefits for small islands with special emphasis on Tourism and Coastal Management.
Participants of the first GSDI Board Meeting in Santiago: left to right front row:
FGDC/USA, IGM/Chile, UoM/USA, UNECA/Ethiopia, EUROGI/Europe, HUNAGI/Hungary
Middle row: Intergraph/USA, OGC, GSDI Secretariat, ESRI/USA, NLS/Finland, RAVI-DUT/The Netherlands
Rear rows: NRC/Canada, EuroGeographics/EUROGI, NLS/Finland, FGDC/USA, IPAGH/Americas

The Board will be strengthen by professor Ian Williamson of the University of Melbourne.
The next Board Meeting will be held on the 10th of November, when Jarmo Ratia, Director General of the Finnish National Land Survey will overtake the GSDI Presidency.

Please note a new blog has the premier today called Tripshots giving impression on people, culture, architecture, highlighting also natural sceneries and the life of human settlements.
A direct link will be available in the left windows "Tripshots" today.


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