Tuesday, August 07, 2007

ePSIplus and the Hungarian GI/GIS marketplace

InfoCentre sign inside the European Parliament in Brussels. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007

EUROGI and HUNAGI participates the ePSInet Thematic Meeting focusing on PSI re-use business
The first European Associations Meeting maximising the re-use of PSI within Europe will be held in Copenhagen on 31 August 2007. EUROGI President Professor Mauro Salvemini will represent the organised pan-european GI communities in the session of the European Associations. Other entities include FEP and PRIMET.
In the session devoted to the National Associations HUNAGI is so far one of the 7 invited associations representing the e-content and GI/GIS communities from Bulgaria, Finland, Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia and United Kingdom. This session will be moderated by the Austrian Gerhard Wagner of ePSIplus. Additional presentations by national associations and projects will inlude ACCIS, ETIS and IntellectUK whilethe afternoon session will be devoted to debates around well defined issues moderated by Chris Corbin of ePSIplus former director of AGI and Member of the EUROGI Executive Committee.
Meeting Reference Materials as suggested by the ePSInet (http://www.epsiplus.net/) include a series of 3 reports published by the GINIE (Geographic Information Network in Europe) project (November 2003) providing comprehensive information about surveys and analysis of European Geographic Information (GI) organisations. These reports are excellent sources of information and remain relevant today. These reports are useful reference material for this meeting.
Access the report on Pan European Geographic Information Organisations Analysis
Access the Survey of Pan European Geographic Organisations (version 2)
Access Survey of Key GI Players within Europe
Actually, GINIE was a research project funded by the European Commission’s IST (Information Society Technology Programme) covering the period November 2001- January 2004. (Please note: on the HUNAGI website you can find 120 references to the GINIE project, even the executive summaries which were translated into Hungarian within the project framework. The length of the listing of the searched references on GINIE, ePSIplus and eContentplus at the http://www.hunagi.hu/ and http://www.unsdi.hu/ websites as well as at the Hungarian and English Newsblog of HUNAGI and UNSDI HUCO is nearly 100 pages!)
Read More about the GINIE Project
Additional Recommended Reading List by ePSInet:
Recommended Reading List for meeting participants (prepared by Gerhard Wagner, ePSIplus Analyst)
EU Ass Mtg Suggested Reading List (1 Aug 07).pdf
HUNAGI disseminate the information to its member organisations of the private sector but also to responsible bodies such as the Ministry of Economy and Transport and stakeholders of the UNSDI HUCO in order to facilitate the preparation of the Hungarian presentation. A consultation with member and partner organisations such as MFTTT, HUNGIS, MAGISZ and MATISZ is also anticipated.
Please note the differences and commons between the Aarhus Convention, the PSI Directive and INSPIRE!
Note: this is the 296th spot of this blog.


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